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Le Forum ARA


  1. February 7 2016


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  2. February 5 2016


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  3. February 4 2016

    Clément Sellerin

    1 reputation point

  4. February 2 2016


    1 reputation point

  5. January 30 2016

  6. January 28 2016


    1 reputation point

  7. January 25 2016

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Assistant Directors & Associates (ARA) is an association dedicated to directing and production departments in feature films. She advocates a caring and courteous environment, conducive to quality exchanges and respectful for others. Please take a moment to read these few Guidelines as anyone posting on our platforms will be considered to have read them. These are subject to change at any time and therefore apply to all of our services, both in public and in private. We therefore invite you to consult them regularly.